Benefit Entitlement for Mixed Age Couples

Details Price Qty
Subscribers (specify organisation when requested)show details +£40.00 (GBP)  
Non-subscribersshow details +£50.00 (GBP)  

  •  21st November 2024
     10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at staff and volunteers who understand the benefits system and would like to improve their knowledge in this particular area of advice.


Regulations governing entitlement to means tested benefits for mixed age couples came into force on 15th May 2019. This has led to significant changes to the financial support mixed age couples can access. This course is designed to help advisers assess accurately what entitlements a mixed age couple may have and what changes they can expect when the older partner reaches state pension age.


At the end of the course delegates will:

  • Be able to identify when a mixed age couple will need to claim UC if they need financial support and when they may be able tor remain in receipt of legacy benefits, pension age HB or Pension Credit;
  • Be aware of the impact on mixed age couples of the closure of the SDP gateway on 27th January 2021;
  • Be aware of the financial implications of these changes for mixed age couple clients.

A complete set of slides will be provided at the end of the course.

Event Location


Venue Phone:

United Kingdom


Joining Instructions

You will be sent a link to join the training 1-2 working days before the date of the course.

On the day you will be able to join the course 15 minutes before the start time and will go into a waiting room until the trainer admits you.

If you have any difficulty connecting on the day please email us at with a contact phone number and we will try to help.